Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The 13 Key Traits of Strong Professional Relationships

The 13 Key Traits of Strong Professional Relationships The 13 Key Traits of Strong Professional Relationships Article by YECStrong relationships are essential to business and career success. It is important to actively nurture relationships with your boss, colleagues, mentors, clients, customers, and others in your professional network, as they can see you through allmanner of obstacles and all stages of success.However, relationship-building can be a challengein the social media era. Our digital connectionsoften feel superficial. To overcome this, we should aim to establish and cultivate deep and truly meaningful relationships with the people in our lives.For advice on this subject,we asked a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members, What is one essential trait of a strong and meaningful professional relationship?Here is what they had to say1. EmpathyUnderstanding where the other person in the relationship is coming from and what they are feeling is important to any strong rela tionship. You cant fix everyones problems or try to change them, so instead, its important to just listen and be there for them. -Chris Christoff,MonsterInsights2. VulnerabilityThe most essential trait of a strong and meaningful relationship is vulnerability. Relationships based on vulnerability are positive, judgment-free, and improvement-oriented. Trust, communication, love, and other important relationship characteristics come from vulnerability. -Vladimir Gendelman,Company Folders3. RespectIf you do not respect your friends or your clients, you most likely wont give those people your all when it counts. You only get what you give, and in order to receive respect, you need tofirst showit to others. -Kristopher Brian Jones, LSEO.com4. Real Face TimeOnline communication tools like FaceTime and Skype enable us to see and talk to anyone, no matter where they are in the world. However, the relationships I find to be strongest are ones where we see each other in person. It takes mora w ork to meet in the offline world, which signals to the other person that they are truly important to you. -Nanxi Liu, Enplug5. A Giving-First MentalityOne of the tenets of strong business relationships is that you should provide sohonigweinhing of value before asking for something in return. Far too often these days, folks want others to give and give without offering anything in return. This will not build a meaningful relationship. Plus, when youre the first to offer up something of value, youre much more likely to have your request fulfilled. -Andrew Schrage,Money Crashers Personal Finance6. Unique PerspectiveThe strongest and most meaningful relationships I have in my life offer unique perspectives. Thanks to our long histories together, these individuals know the context for my actions and motivations. They can help me understand how Ive changed, how I havent changed, and what is really important in my life. I dont know where Id be without these extremely valuable points of vie w. -Bryce Welker, CPA Exam Guy7. IntentWeve all met that person who is eager to misunderstand you no matter how much you explain yourself. Weve also met the other person, the person who will understand you without you having to say a word this is because they know your intent is good. Strong and meaningful relationships start with good intent. -Syed Balkhi, WPBeginner8. Hard WorkStrong relationships dont maintain themselves. They require commitments by both people to making the effort and taking time to engage with one another. This is as true of business relationships as it is of personal relationships. Lasting business relationships are built through active engagement and a commitment to going the extra mile. -Vik Patel, Future Hosting9. HonestyHonesty is the cornerstone of a meaningful relationship. Never be afraid to tell your team or coworkers your honest opinion. Too often, businesses slip into cultures of gossip and phony smiles. Clear communication built on a foundation of h onesty is essential. -Ryan Bradley, Koester Bradley10. ChallengeIn business especially, you need to have relationships with peoplewhoare challenging. I dont mean people who push back on everything you say, but people who challenge you to think differently and try new things. This can inspire healthy competition, keep you on your toes, andmotivate you to always strive to be better. Blair Williams, MemberPress11. ValueWhen developing relationships in business, you must lead with value. How can I add value to you and your business? When you ask this question and commit to it before asking for anything for yourself, youdemonstratethat you are more concerned with building a strong relationship than getting something out of it for yourself. Leading with this mentality can take you far. -Connor Gillivan, FreeeUp12. ConscientiousnessIt is important to be conscientious and know what page the relationship is on. In our relationships, we all have a bank account between each other, and we dep osit and withdraw credits from those accounts. How present are you when it comes to the other personsfeelings? What are you depositing into their account, and what are you withdrawing? Be aware of any tension between yourselves, and have honest and open communications aboutit when it arises. -Cody McLain, SupportNinja13. FriendshipAll relationships require vulnerability, attention, and care, but a genuinely meaningful one is built on a solid foundation of friendship. Beginning your relationship with a client, a peer, orsomeone in your personal life with these building blocks will set you up for a trusting and long-term connection. -Stanley Meytin, True Film ProductionA version of this article originally appeared on answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the worlds most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year, and have cr eated tens of thousands of jobs. Learn more at